DOJ Provides Guidance to Immigration Judges on Internet-Based Video Hearings

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How to Introduce Video Evidence in Immigration Court

Internet-Based Video Hearings. DOJ issued guidance on internet-based hearings, setting guidelines to apply to such hearings across the migrant court system going forward. EOIR expects that hearings using Webex or similar program will remain important to operations in the future. Traditionally, the Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) has used a closed video teleconferencing system when a participant appears by video. With the advent of internet-based video hearings teleconferencing, EOIR is currently allowing participants to appear through the platform Webex by Cisco. EOIR anticipates that hearings using Webex or other, similar platforms will remain important to EOIR’s operations in the future. This memorandum will refer to such hearings as “internet-based hearings.” This memorandum discusses internet-based hearings and sets out guidelines to apply to such hearings across the immigration courts going forward. Several configurations for internet-based hearings are possible.

Internet-Based Video Hearings

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