Bringing Spouses to Live in the United StatesU.S. Citizen Petition for a SpousePetition for Alien RelativeImmigrant Visa for a Spouse of a U.S. CitizenImmigrant Visa for a Spouse or Fiancé(e) of a U.S. CitizenMarriage/Domestic PartnershipAnnulment and Declaration of Nullity of MarriageMarriage Affirmation Petition and OrderFamily Law FormResponse to Petition about a MarriagePetition for the Immigrating Spouse of U.S. CitizenOut of State Nonresident Clergy Petition to Solemnize Marriagepetition for a Green Card by marriageMarriage PetitionsWhat are the requirements to petition a spouse?How much does it cost to petition my wife?How can I petition my spouse from Philippines?How long is the immigration process?What is the fastest way to get US citizenship?How long do you have to stay married for green card?Can I lose my citizenship if I divorce?What happens if you marry a U.S. citizen and then divorce?Can I lose my green card if I get divorced?What happens if I divorce before 2 years?Can I apply for citizenship after 2 years of marriage?Can I stay in America if I marry an American?What happens if an American marries a Nigerian?How long do you have to stay married for citizenship?Can I lose my permanent resident status if I divorce?Does spouse need citizenship interview 2020?Can my husband deport me?What are the 5 grounds for divorce?Can I report my husband to immigration?What can I do if my husband is deported?Can my wife get deported if we are married?Can I marry a deported person?Can a US citizen get deported?