Can your child become a U.S. citizen under the child citizenship act of 2000

child citizenship

Child citizen act of 2000

“Even though your child was born outside the U.S.,
It might be possible for your child to automatically apply for a U.S. Passport.”

— Brian D. Lerner

General Requirements under the CCA or Child Citizenship Act


  1. The child has at least one United States citizen parent (by birth or naturalization);

    Note that the parent could have been born outside the U.S.

  2. The child is under 18 years of age;

    This will not work if the child is not a child.

  3. The child is currently residing permanently in the United States in the legal and physical custody of the United States citizen parent;

    If the child is attempting this through a parent they had no contact, it will not work.

  4. The child is a lawful permanent resident;

    Child must have a Green Card

  5. An adopted child meets the requirements applicable to adopted children under immigration law

    This entire law will apply to adopted children

  6. Acquiring citizenship automatically means citizenship acquired by law without the need to apply for citizenship. Firstly, a child who is currently under the age of 18 and has already met all of the above requirements will acquire citizenship automatically on February 27, 2001.
    Otherwise, a child will acquire citizenship automatically on the date the child meets all of the above requirements

    This means the moment it occurs, the child can get a U.S. Passport or Certificate of Citizenship

Child citizen act of 2000

Beginning February 27, 2001, certain foreign-born children—including adopted children—currently residing permanently in the United States will acquire citizenship automatically. To be eligible, a child must meet the definition of “child” for naturalization purposes under immigration law 

Child citizen act of 2000

On October 30, 2000, President Clinton signed into law H.R. 2883, the Child Citizenship Act of 2000. More ever, the new law permits foreign-born children—including adopted children —to acquire citizenship automatically if they meet certain requirements. It becomes effective on February 27, 2001. This is citizenship immigration, not naturalization.

Retroactivity of the Child Citizenship Act

Is the Law Retroactive? Is automatic citizenship provided for those who are 18 Years of Age or Older? No. The new law is not retroactive.

Child citizen act of 2000
Child citizen act of 2000

Will eligible children automatically receive proof of citizenship—such as citizenship certificates and passports? No. Proof of citizenship will not be automatically issued to eligible children.

Your child will be a green card Holder for only moments before becoming a U.S. citizen

Citizenship is Automatic for qualifying Children

Child citizen act of 2000

THE CCA is a great piece of Immigration Law helping children become U.S. Citizens

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1 thought on “Can your child become a U.S. citizen under the child citizenship act of 2000”

  1. My daughter lives in Italy, born and raised. She has an Italian green card. She’s not an Italian citizen because her mother and myself are not Italian citizens. I only knew her mother for a short time before coming back to the united states and didn’t know about my daughter until I got a surprize facebook message from her mother when my daughter was 14 yrs old. My question is how does my daughter go about changing her last name? The last name she has had her whole life, the one that was given to her at birth on her birth certificate is the last name of a random ex boyfriend of her mothers. My daughter desires to change her last name to my last name, please advise me what steps she needs to take to do this. I want to help her so bad. thank you.

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