The federal violence against women, Definition and history
VAWA Attorney in Los Angeles
A VAWA Attorney
will be able to let you know if you qualify for the battered spouse petition.
Many spouses (especially wives of U.S. Citizens or Lawful Permanent Residents)
Be sure to contact our office and our VAWA Lawyer will give you a free consultation.
An immigration law firm that specializes in battered spouse petitions is necessary to give the best chance of success.
Not just any immigration lawyer,
Abuse can be physical or mental or both.
The VAWA Attorney makes clear that you do not have to continue with the abusive relationship.
Explains the battered spouse petition,
There is an option.
You can file a petition under VAWA
(Violence against Women’s Act) known as the battered spouse petition.
Our immigration law firm can help you.
The battered spouse attorney will explain that first there must be a legitimate marriage and that the marriage must be bonafide.
It must not be for the Green Card.
Additionally, The battered spouse attorney
Will explain that the actual marriage must be under the law,
Not a common law marriage.
The VAWA Attorney would explain that you should always get a psychological report.
This will show the pain and suffering which you have endured.
The VAWA Attorney will let you know that it will be painful to go over all the details.
You will need to recount the incidents that have occurred in the past.
Another part of the battered spouse petition is the declaration.
The VAWA Attorney will give you a detailed interview and will prepare a declaration on your situation which you will have to sign.
It will go into great deal,
Explains the VAWA Attorney.
And without specifics,
The battered spouse attorney cannot make a coherent argument.
Without honesty and without reliving the past,
It is possible to show only severe emotional abuse as well.
There does not need to be physical abuse and the battered spouse attorney may be able to prove only severe emotional abuse.
Many times,
If prepared correctly,
The battered spouse attorney may be able to show you will prevail on this petition.
If it is the husband who is filing this petition,
He could certainly show financial threats and deportation threats and a variety of other threats that could lead to showing severe emotional abuse.
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