Waiver Granted in 5 days

Waiver granted in 5 days

Person had various medical hardships and Waiver of the 3/10 Year Bar was granted in 5 days. Person is now back in the U.S. as a Lawful Permanent Resident. The law provides exceptions to the bars in limited circumstances, including for minor children, bona fide asylum applicants, battered women and children, and victims of trafficking. To qualify for this waiver, which if approved, allows the immigrant to lawfully re-enter with the immigrant visa and not wait outside the US for 3 or 10 years. In special cases, people may be able to get a waiver for their three- or ten-year bar. For example, if the person with the ban is the child or spouse of a U.S. lawful permanent resident.

Waiver granted in 5 days

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