Supreme court rejects bail hearings for jailed immigrants.

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Advocates blast Supreme Court rulings denying bond

SC Rejects Bail Hearings. The Supreme Court on Monday ruled that a federal law does not require immigrants detained for long periods while they are fighting deportation to be granted hearings to decide whether they may be released on bond as their case moves forward. Seven justices joined Justice Sotomayor’s majority opinion while Justice Breyer issued a partial dissent. The decision, which could affect thousands of immigrants subject to prolonged detention, overturned a ruling by the Philadelphia-based 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in favor of Antonio Arteaga-Martinez, a Mexican citizen who challenged his detention.

SC Rejects Bail Hearings

SC Rejects Bail Hearings

SC Rejects Bail Hearings for Jailed Immigrants

Agreeing with the Biden administration, Sotomayor said there was “no plausible construction of the text” of the statute that would mandate the government provide for such bond hearings and that the law did not even hint at such a requirement. The decision reversed the San Francisco-based 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which upheld decisions by judges in California and Washington barring the government from detaining immigrants without bond headings after 180 days.

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