USCIS rule providing interpreters at affirmative
reading policy for asylum interviews. USCIS extended the effective date of its temporary final rule on interpreters at asylum interviews through September 12, 2023. In March 2023, USCIS published a temporary final rule extending the requirement for certain asylum applicants to use a USCIS-contracted telephonic interpreter to keep our workforce and applicants safe during the COVID-19 public health emergency. This temporary final rule has been part of our precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Our contract interpreters provide their services telephonically, which have helped reduce the number of people visiting USCIS facilities. The rule has helped us manage space restrictions, while maintaining efficiency and access to reading policy for asylum interviews, and improves the safety of our officers and the public. If you refuse to use a USCIS contract interpreter, we will consider that a failure to appear without good cause.