U.S. citizenship and immigration services fee schedule
proposed adjustments to fee schedule. USCIS released an advance copy of a proposed rule that would adjust USCIS fees. In the Federal Register tomorrow, January 4, 2023. USCIS receives approximately 96 percent of its funding from filing fees, not from congressional appropriations. The proposed adjustments to fee schedule is the result of a comprehensive fee review at USCIS. If finalized, the proposed rule would decrease or minimally increase fees for more than one million low-income filers each year. New measures include a proposal to incorporate biometrics costs into the main benefit fee and remove the separate biometric services fee; establish separate fees for each nonimmigrant classification covered by Form I-129, Petition for a Nonimmigrant Workers; change the premium processing timeframe from 15 calendar days to 15 business days; and institute lower fees for certain forms filed online. The proposed rule would not change fee waiver eligibility requirements. The projected revenues resulting from the proposed rule would allow USCIS to increase the number of adjudicators processing applications, implement technology improvements, and increase support provided to individuals seeking information and assistance from USCIS.