Presidential Determination on Refugee Admissions for FY2022

Presidential Determination on Refugee Admissions

Presidential Determination on Refugee Admissions. President Biden issued a determination on October 8, setting the refugee admissions ceiling for FY2022 at 125,000. For FY2022, the refugee ceiling was 125,000 and actual admissions totaled 25,465. For FY2023, the refugee ceiling is again 125,000. The Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) of the Department of State coordinates and manages the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program. The number of persons who may be admitted to the United States as refugees each year is established by the President in consultation with Congress. As a donor, the US generally focuses on assistance and protection for the millions of refugees and displaced persons living in low-and-middle-income countries. As a host country, the focus is on policies regarding the admission and stay of those seeking protection within the United States. You must be outside of the United States to qualify for refugee status. Typically, refugees have already fled persecution in their home countries and would feel extremely unsafe returning.

Presidential Determination on Refugee Admissions

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