Is CSS still alive? Refugee Assistance & Immigration Services

CSS immigration and settlement service

Question: I have been in the U.S. for many years. I know that there have been court cases on this matter for years. Is there any hope that it will come back or that I will be able to apply under CSS again?



Answer: You are right about the years of court cases. This matter, Catholic Social Services or CSS has been up and down the court system for years.
That if you fall under the provisions of the settlement agreement,
you might be able to successfully apply for CSS again in order to obtain Lawful Permanent Residency.

Question: Who is covered under the CSS settlement agreement?

immigration attorney

Answer: 1)
You had to live in the United States,
unlawfully from before January 1, 1982, to a date between May 5, 1987, and May 4, 1988,
When you went to an office of the Immigration Service or a Qualified Designated entity to apply for legalization.
2) You visited an INS office or Qualified Designated Entity,
Between May 5, 1987, and May 4, 1988, to apply for legalization.
3) The INS or QDE told you that you were ineligible
for legalization because you had traveled outside the United States without INS permission.
4) You do NOT need to have previously “registered” as a CSS class member.
However, IF you did NOT apply for a CSS work permit,
then you must also have had a complete legalization application and fee when you went in to apply for legalization.

Question: What type of evidence do I need to present to win under this CSS Settlement agreement?


Answer: Clearly, many people do not have the original documents, or even any stamped documents from Immigration.
The CSS settlement specifically states that persons who fall under this settlement may establish eligibility for legalization by way of declarations, and not only by original documents.
The settlement also provides class members the right to appeal to a “special master,” a judicial officer with the authority to correct the CIS’s errors in the event the agency does not decide a class member’s legalization application promptly, fairly, and in accordance with the settlement’s guidelines.

Question: When can I apply for this?

Answer: The settlement provides that CIS must begin accepting legalization applications no later than May 21, 2004, but the government might decide to begin the one-year application somewhat earlier. This means that individuals will likely have until May 20, 2005, to apply for legalization under the settlement.

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