There are good changes on the horizon for immigration reform 2014

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Immigration Reform 2014

Immigration reform in 2014 has been issued. There are several items to Parole that are different, expanded and easier to get than in the past. Brian D. Lerner, immigration attorney explains that under that, first you would need to understand what exactly is ‘parole’ in order to have an appreciation of the differences. At least three separate DHS memos address various aspects of “parole.” In the immigration context, parole refers to allowing an individual to temporarily enter the United States for purposes of significant public benefit or for humanitarian reasons without technically admitting the person into the country. Although parole is issued on a case-by-case basis, there is a long history of designated categories of individuals who may qualify for parole. “Advance parole” and “parole-in-place” are forms of parole.

immigration attorney

Immigration Reform 2014

Brian D. Lerner states there are issues with this. Here there is a specific change to immigration policy per the immigration reform 2014. The new DHS instruction will ensure consistent application across the department. Hopefully, this will end and there will be consistent adjudications.

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